I was in one of those big box stores a few weeks back. As I walked in I saw a few employees however no one said anything to me. I was looking into a new door for our back porch and it needed to have a large dog door in it. I was walking around the department an no one came near me. One employee even seemed to run away from me.

I left that store and went to one of their competitors. An employee said hi to me right as I entered the door; she wasn’t a greeter but happened to be walking by. When I got to the department with the doors I saw an employee helping out another person. I started browsing around when another employee came to me to see if I needed any help. Very pleasant gentleman and I ended up getting the door from him. As we wrapped up he thanked me and asked if there was anything else he could help me with.

It may seem like common sense to you but courtesy and a personal touch go a huge way! Truthfully I didn’t like any of the doors at the first store but I don’t think I would have bought a door from them even if they had the greatest door in the world!

The human aspect of the experience is important. In the digital world that we spend so much of our time in these day, it is easy to lose the human aspect of it; the human voice. We can lose that when it’s so important.

We’re going to talk about ways to humanize your content. There are many ways to do this so this is by no means all inclusive. Let me know other ways that you like and work for you.

1. Encourage your audience to have a voice

Who likes reading content that makes them feel like they’re at work in an office somewhere? If you use corporate speak it doesn’t encourage much response from your audience. Sound like the person you are, the person that is on the same level as their audience. Have a conversation with them. Don’t get me wrong, you still need to sound like an expert and corporate speak has it’s place. You need to connect with your audience however and talk with them.

2. Show up

This goes hand-in-hand with the first topic. Be available for your audience, respond to them and have a conversation with them. Be consistent by producing content on a regular basis, not just once or twice a month. Inspire and motivate your audience.

3. Don’t over pitch a product or service

It’ true that you’re using social media marketing to help build your brand and increase your ROI. This may seem counter intuitive to you. DO NOT OVER PITCH YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE. A fair rule to go by is 80/20: 80% engaging content that is non-sales and 20% promoting a product/service, highlighting an offer, etc. Connect with your audience and build a relationship. This increases brand awareness and ROI will follow.

4. Build a personal relationship

Think of your favorite restaurant. It may not be the case for everyone but chances are you have a personal relationship with them. Mine is the “Zelie Kountry Kitchen” and I’ve been going there since I was a new born. I have a personal relationship with the entire staff there and my Uncle Kevin is great! Being a 1000+ miles away is tough when I am craving that Friday Mac n’ cheese special!

Things are changing all the time. Who knows what the social landscape will be like ten years from now. Just recently we saw the downfall of “Blab” and “Meerkat.” Create a personal relationship with your audience and they will follow you wherever you go.

5. Don’t be afraid to share stories about yourself

We each do so much that there is a wealth of information at our finger tips. Don’t be afraid to share stories about yourself. What you like doing, you’re favorite places to travel, favorite hobbies, even your failures. Don’t shy away from yourself. It is a great way to connect.

6. Create experiences

Who doesn’t like to truly experience something? I love barreling down a black diamond carving my way back and forth across the slope. Here’s a failure for you: While I was doing said barreling I cut to my extreme right to avoid the tree line. As I did so my toe caught and I was end over end for a good 50 feet. I ended up breaking my tibial plateau in my left knee just two week before a trip to Colorado which I had to cancel. Even though I now live in Sunny Florida I’ll be back on those wintry slopes when I get a chance.

Build experiences around your brand. Share some behind the scene photos, how-to’s on how to use your product, some out-of-the-box fun ways to use your product. Be informative while also being entertaining. A great way to connect and build upon your brand awareness.

What are some ways you like to add the human element to your content? What works for you and what seems to fall short?

Please like, comment and share as I’d love to talk with you (let’s have that conversation)!

Keep smiling.