I was in my morning meditation the other day and the resounding theme was why do we have borders? I mean, truly, what gives and individual, country or corporation the right to own part of the Earth? Why not live with the land and integrate with it opposed to disconnecting from it and trying to be its master.

Prior to my mediation, I had seen in the news that two major oil fields in Saudi Arabia had been set ablaze due to drone strikes (Disclaimer, I have not researched the details of this event). My initial thought was, why can’t we all simply get along? Following my thought path, it then went to why does any entity have rights to Earths resources? Shouldn’t all of humanity share those rights and use the resources afforded to us in a smart way in which our resources could replenish themselves? Then it went to borders.

On an interesting note. After my mediation, I wrote out my thoughts on no borders using the Evernote app on my phone. Later in the day a friend and I were in discussion about the Saudi Arabia Oil Field incident and he said something to me along the lines of “why do we have borders? Why can we all just cooperate and get along.” I replied with “funny you mention that. Check this out from my morning meditation” and I showed him what I had wrote in Evernote (which was the precursor to this post). We are truly more connected than most of us believe.

I know that we do not live in an age in which we all get along, but imagine a world like that. Imagine a world in which we all worked together for the benefit of humanity. We certainly wouldn’t have a need for borders. What could we accomplish? I’d like to think that most of the diseases we face would be cured. There would be no war and no need for weapons. Children wouldn’t be going hungry in the street. We could solve all of the issues we face, together.

Therein lies the rub… together. We stand divided, not united. The greatest good for the greatest number is a rarity in our world currently. You rarely see the golden rule – do unto others that which you would like done unto you. I know I am asking you to use your imagination a lot in this article, but imagine if we lived in a world where everyone was guided by that philosophy; the golden rule. I’ll let you wonder down that path a bit on your own.

Let’s get to the heart of it, in a world where we need to stand united, borders create division. I do not know the full history of borders. I know the word “assume” can be a nasty word; However, I assume that borders were created to control we the people. In ancient Greece, the Delphic priests regarded the right of unfettered movement as one of our four basic freedoms. Today, we allow boarders to have control over our movement.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel we’re currently in situation in which we can simply open all borders. Humanity doesn’t cooperate well enough today; nations don’t work together and we fight over resources. Why is that? Are we on that tipping point of awakening? Will we start to work together for everyone’s benefit?

I’m bringing that word back, imagine. Imagine a world in which we all work together for our common benefit. We could accomplish any and everything while improving the lives of everyone. I like to never leave anything in a worse situation than it was when I arrived. That may be picking up a piece a trash I come across or even just a friendly smile.

Together, let’s create a better tomorrow.

Keep Smiling.