Continuing with the theme of gratitude, I really wanted to look at it from a deeper perspective.How may gratitude help you reach for the stars and achieve your dreams? Along with gratitude, determination has been on my mind. Specifically, how the two intermingle.

You may be thinking, “Kelvin, those are two separate things.” You may even be right, but are you completely? You see from my perspective, the two really work well together.

What are you determined to achieve? I have more dreams ahead of me but my website was one of those things that I knew I wanted and I was determined to make it a reality. I had never created a website before (that may be apparent when you’re on my site) but I knew I had to get my voice out there and this is the medium to launch that.

I researched the different hosting companies, WordPress, frameworks, how much it costs, the up keep and more. You name it and I looked into yet I have so much more to learn. I’m grateful for that; I’ll never stop learning.

I am grateful for so many things just from this minuscule aspect of my life. I am grateful we no longer need to know code to build a website (albeit I’m sure it would help). I am grateful to be afforded the opportunity to create a website. I am grateful for the support of my friends and family, especially my wife who always pushes me towards my dreams.

If I was not determined to build a website and let the fact that I didn’t know how deter me, would I have been afforded all these opportunities to be grateful? Don’t get me wrong, there is so much in my life to be grateful for. All of these new opportunities for gratitude were born from my determination however and that in and of itself is another thing to be incredibly grateful for.

What dreams are you striving to achieve? Is your determination giving you that push you need? Do you need to take a step back and simply be grateful for what you you do have and what is around you. Will that act of being grateful give you the extra burst in determination that you need to achieve your dreams. I have found that my gratitude feeds my determination in an incredible way. The more grateful that I am the greater my determination to achieve.

This does not only apply to our personal lives but our professional lives as well. Are you you reaching for a promotion that you really want? Are you grateful for the opportunities in your career that have already occurred? Try being grateful for the opportunities you have been afforded along your career path. Be grateful for those around you, your colleagues, your clients, your affiliates. Observe the confidence and optimism you now exude and the positive impact it has on how others perceive you.

Having determination and having gratitude are each their own things. Combine them and look at them in the harmonious relationship they share and you bring it to a whole new level.

Be conscious of the gratitude you have for everything that your day affords you and reach for those stars baby, because we’re achieving these dreams!

Honestly, I would love to hear what dreams you are striving to achieve. Let me know and let’s talk.

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Until next time pack, keep smiling.