Today, we did something. Something that we always knew we would do but had been putting off, trying to make sure everything was perfect prior to doing this. That’s when we remembered, “don’t let perfection be the enemy of productivity.” That is precisely what perfection was doing! It was slowing us down from building our business. 

Without further ado, MackWP Marketing has joined the Central Pinellas Chamber of Commerce. We’re excited for this partnership which will help take our business to the next level. 

You may be asking, why join the Chamber of Commerce? I’ll tell you! Besides being the “original networkers,” Your local Chamber of Commerce has a plethora of resources at their disposal for their members to use. Joining your local Chamber of commerce is a wise investment and here are a few reasons you may want to join.

  1. Credibility – When a business joins a Chamber of Commerce, it is a huge boost to the business credibility. The public trusts the Chamber of Commerce and one of the biggest benefits a business gains by joining a Chamber of Commerce is the confidence it instills in the consumers.
  2. Connections – Chamber of Commerce’s are the original networkers. As a business owner, you will meet other business owners and operators through the Chamber. These business owners can become your clients, friends, and open doors to other clients and companies that will help grow your business.
  3. Marketing – Can you think of a better way to introduce your business to potential clients and partners than through Chamber sponsored events? I sure can’t. Chamber events attract other like-minded businesses, consumers and the public. Member businesses also gain the backlink from being listed on the Chambers website, helping improve the businesses SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
  4. Advocacy – A little less known fact about Chambers of Commerce is their influence on public policy. Small businesses tend to be the ones most affected by new and changing policy. Chamber Members have a powerful voice in the dealings of these policies. Chambers of Commerce are committed to protecting the local economies and businesses and are a powerful force in opposing any legislation that could impact or harm the small business community.
  5. Visibility – Nothing sells your business better than you. Business is much more than simple transactions, its roots are in relationships. You are your business! A potential client is more likely to buy when they know you and see you regularly participating in non-transaction based functions. You want to stay top of mind when someone goes to make a purchase decision or a change in service.

There are many reasons for joining your local Chamber of Commerce. We’re joining to help us take our business to the next level. Not only is it a. Network of possible clients and referral partners, it’s also a network of potential mentors. 

Are you a member of your local Chamber? If so, why did you join? Did you stay for a different reason? If you’re not a member of your local Chamber, have you considered it? What’s holding you back? We can’t wait to hear from you on this! 

Until next time, keep smiling!