You work for or own a small business. Business is going alright but you crave more customers. How do you reach them? Should your business have a blog on its website? Do you already have a blog but you can’t really get to it often so you haphazardly post a blog post every few weeks or so?

Before we get into the journey, lets talk about the why. Why should your small business launch a blog? There are many reason! We’ll discuss a few in this article but please, don’t stop there!

  1. Funnel traffic to your website.

Content is king! When you write great content that your readers can’t get enough of, it will create in them a desire to travel to your website and take in the content. These readers will also share your content with their network, funneling more traffic to your website. Now throw social media in the mix and you will exponentially increase the traffic to your website by sharing your blog post on your social channels. Companies that blog receive 55% more traffic than companies that don’t (Simplemarketingnow).

2. Establish yourself as a thought leader. 

When you create high-quality and relevant content, you demonstrates your expertise in a particular area. We can create an entire article solely on the benefits of being a thought leader (perhaps we will?) but there are many! Here are a few. You establish yourself as an authority in your industry, becoming the go-to source for anyone looking for information on your industry. On that same note, as people come to you for information, you’ll see a significant gain on your inbound leads. Both being an authority in your industry and a gain in inbound leads are great for business. 

3. Create a community. 

Great content will create engagement with your readers, leading to comments, questions, advice and more. Through this engagement, a communication of collaboration and sharing takes place. This benefits everyone participating. No one knows everything and may pick up some great pieces of advice. Some of your readers may be able to share their experiences, helping other readers. Be an active part of this communication, helping to further your position as a thought leader. 

4. Improve your SEO.

Consistently publishing a blog with high-quality and fresh content while using relevant keywords increases your search engine ranking. This is a long term commitment and takes dedication. Simply releasing a blog will not put you on the first page of search results over night. With consistent work, you will increase your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

5. Grow your email list with your business blog. 

Let’s be honest here, we all have overflowing inboxes with emails we couldn’t care less about. It can be a real challenge to get people to sign up for your emails in addition to that. There’s no denying that email marketing is a great way to reach your audience and potential clients. When I find a blog that I enjoy, find interesting and beneficial, I sign up for their email list so I may get their latest information. If you create content that others find helpful and enjoy, they’re more likely to sign up for your email list. 

There are many reasons for your business to have a blog, not matter the sizes. We only covered a few in this article for a reason, we want to hear from you! Does your business have a blog? What benefits have you found? What challenges are you facing? What would you like to discuss? 

Until next time, keep smiling.