Why email? Email is dead, isn’t it? Think of how often you use email. Email is something most of us use every day, yet many businesses and marketers have yet to truly grasp and embrace the power of email marketing. 

Conversely, you may be using email marketing without truly understanding the power of it. Thus, you may not understand how to improve your email marketing nor give it the attention that email marketing so rightly deserves. 

Email marketing is not only your direct line to your clients, it also helps you to reach and provide value to potential clients. 

We’re going to bring to light some of the benefits of email marketing, showing you the value of why it is important, and why you and your business needs to be applying it wisely. 

Stay connected with your audience

Your audience may consist of customers, potential customers, your professional network, mentor, and more. Using your email, you are able to keep your customers informed and engaged. 

When you have something new to announce, be it a new product, company update, or something else, you want to get it out to your audience right away. You can effectively send announcements out to your audience quickly and professionally via email marketing. 

Generate more leads

Once you create a lead magnet, you will collect emails much faster. That brings to question, just what is a lead magnet? A lead magnet is a marketing tool, such as an email subscription box, that offers an enticing reward for their contact information. These could look something like “Subscribe to our newsletter for a free 2021 Marketing Trends Report!” 

As others find value in your content and want the free resource you are offering, they will join your email list, effectively providing you with a lead. It is all about collecting as many email addresses as possible. You already know this person is interested in what you have to offer. What’s next? 

Nurture your leads

So you got a new lead email, what do you do? Now it is time to nurture that lead. For this, we recommend you segment your email lists. This may look like an email list for new leads, one for current clients, one for past clients, one for leads that have a proposal, and more. You can segment your email lists as much as you like to optimize your email campaigns. You can create separate emails for each segment that is best suited for them. 

One thing we always aim to be is top-of-mind with potential buyers, right? When they have needs that we may help with, we want them to come to us first. Email marketing is incredibly powerful for helping you stay top-of-mind. Your leads will get used to seeing your name in their inbox, keeping you top-of-mind. When you provide your leads with content they find valuable, you will be an industry expert to them. Being viewed as an authority in your industry will bring others to you for information, questions, and more. 

Deliver Promotions

Are you currently running a special on a product or service? Let your audience know right away, driving an uptick in sales. 

Think of it like this: 

Has there ever been a product or service that you wanted but didn’t buy because you didn’t want to pay full price for it? Next thing you know, as if by the law of attraction, you receive an email that has a coupon for exactly what you want at a discounted price? 

This has a double benefit; You are happy because you get what you want but even happier due to getting it at a discount. 

Drive More Conversions

Have you ever visited a website, checked out its different pages, products, services, and blog to decide that you like the content, so you sign up for their email list. Next thing you know, you’ve completely forgotten about the website and brand?

Life is busy, we get it. We all have so much going on, and we can’t possibly remember all of the content that we digest. How does a business recapture your interest?

If they aren’t consistent with email marketing and don’t use it much, most likely they will not recapture your interest. However, if they apply email marketing properly, chances are they will recapture your interest, to some degree at least. 


We have only covered a few of the benefits of email marketing, yet you can clearly see how beneficial it is. When you build your email lists correctly, they are filled with potential leads that are interested in what you have to offer. Staying consistent while providing quality content will keep you top-of-mind while increasing your industry authority level. Dripping in promotions (Don’t be all sales in email marketing, just a little amount) may provide an uptick in sales. 

Email marketing is something you want to apply to your business if you are not already. What other benefits do you garner from email marketing? What other tips do you have for email marketing? Please share in the comments below. Who knows, you may just help another reader out! 

Until next time, keep smiling.