Learning new things is vital to self improvement. Those who know me well will tell you that I am always reading about things I don’t know, trying out new things (albeit I don’t always have the discipline to stick with it). Building this website is new for me and I’m still learning so keep checking back to see the improvement.

I can’t remember where but I recently saw a meme that said something along the lines that successful people realize that they don’t know everything and are always learning new things. Lazy people assume they already know everything and don’t feel they need to learn anything new.

Does that sound true to you? It certainly does to me. I have noticed that when I am not learning new things (not because I feel like I know everything but rather that I am feeling lazy) that I also feel stagnate, not moving towards success nor advancing myself in any way and beyond bored.

A few thoughts off the top of my mind:

  1. When you’re learning you are also mentally stimulated. This helps to keep yourself sharp and ready for anything the day, your work, your clients, or even your kids may throw at you.
  2. Learning new things shows that you are ready to take on new tasks and responsibilities. Those around you will notice and even if your manager doesn’t notice, you know and that keeps you moving towards your goals.
  3. Learning new things give you more to talk about with your colleagues and those around you. It will help you in keeping the conversation interesting opposed to the dreaded “how’s the weather?” like questions. Interesting is good and your communication with others will be on another level.
  4. Change is a common occurrence throughout life. Learning new things will also help us embrace changes as we encounter them and to approach them in a positive manner. This may be especially beneficial if you’re in a leadership position and implementing change that impacts your team.
  5. Learning new things can even impact your mood in a positive way. Sure, you may feel frustrated while trying to learn something new. However, overall you will be happier and in a more positive mood keeping yourself intrigued and not bored.

Never stop learning and position yourself for success.

Keep smiling.