Being a dad (parent) is the best! The other night I was rocking my daughter to sleep and I was just looking at her and thinking of how incredible she is. Before being a dad I always heard how life changes being a parent, how incredible and moving it is, but no statement really does it justice until you actually get to experience being a parent. Life changes in a huge way! It’s no longer just about you and that’s a great thing.

Being a relatively new dad (P is coming up on 11 months, where does the time go?) it’s a big adjustment. Time seems to fly by and you can never get enough of it. I thought time was in short supply before being a dad, what a joke that was! When I get home from the office I want to spend my time with my daughter, and my wife of course! So when you can never seem to get enough time, how do you write copy? How can you put great content out there?

Time management is key here. As I said earlier, when I get home from the office I want to spend my time with my family. What works best for me is writing once we have gotten our daughter down for the night. I say works best because although our daughter is a pretty good sleeper, she has her rough nights. I don’t get much writing done on those rough nights. Figure out what schedule works best for you; is it in the morning when you first wake up? Are you a night owl that likes to write in the middle of the night?

Once you have figured out what schedule works best for you, be consistent. I can’t stress this enough and just about everything that you read in regards improving your writing talks about being consistent. If you like to wake up early and write before everyone else is awake then do it every day. I’m not perfect and neither are you. There are instances when I can’t do this (like those rough nights I mentioned) but I do make it a point to try to write every night after my daughter is asleep.

Plan your content. What content are you creating and posting about on which days, times and platforms. When are you researching. When are you building your network, and so on. You may plan on a weekly or monthly basis depending on what works best for you. I am not and have never been a planner. I had to start with planning one day out at a time and work up to a week and sometimes two weeks at a time.

Utilize scheduling tools. Facebook allows you to schedule a post right in the field. There are also tools such as Hootsuite and Buffer that let you schedule content to multiple platforms. Hootsuite has a free version which allows you to post to three social accounts. Their paid plans start at $9.99 a month which allows you to schedule content to 50 social accounts. Buffer I am not too familiar with. Buffer does have a free version which allows you one social profile per platform and up to 10 scheduled posts per platform. They have tiered pricing packages as well which you may view here. There are other similar tools available to you. What is your experience with them? Which do you prefer best and why?

When you’re strapped for time and can never seem to get enough of it, what helps you create content? What would you add to these concepts?

Keep Smiling.