Hey Pack. I have a question for you and I’d love to get your input on it.

What do you do when you’re feeling down, sick, a lack of motivation? How do you keep moving towards your goals and dreams?

I’ve been feeling under the weather lately. It’s just a little cold but being a guy, I’m dying. Give me a broken bone and I’ll just shake it off. Give me a little cold and I trudge through the day not wanting to do anything.

A lack of motivation is powerful. How many of us have not pursued something we would have liked to pursue due to a lack of motivation? How many great ideas have passed us by?

I think I have a lot of great ideas but I’m certain for every one I have pursued, I have let 100 (or a 1000) fly on by without chasing it. Many of those ideas may not have been great but what if even one of them had the power to positively change the world.

One thing I try to do is to keep a note pad with me and when I have an idea, regardless of whether I think it is a good or bad idea, I write it down. This is a discipline too. I’m still not great at it. Often I have ideas while driving and I can’t write it down so I try to record it on Evernote.

When you’re feeling a lack of motivation, what do you do to turn that around? To dig down deep within yourself and find that motivation?

Do you meditate at all? Meditation has shown many positive benefits from lower blood pressure and relaxation to improved focus and pain tolerance.

I want to know what you have found that works for you.

I’m not going to lie, I’m feeling a lack of motivation right now. I have the goal of getting some content out to you every Wednesday and Friday. Yes, it is Wednesday as I am publishing this however my goal is to get the content published in the morning; it’s almost Ten PM as I write this sentence.

I am getting a Twitter account set up for the website, just need a good head shot first! Until then, you may reach me @kmack6846 on Twitter.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Keep Smiling.