Email marketing is dead, isn’t it? We’ve all heard it; email marketing is dying or dead. Do you believe it? I hope not! Email marketing is an essential tool in your content marketing tool belt. Email marketing is incredible for attracting and retaining customers. 

“When it comes to customer interaction, email is the Holy Grail of marketing communication.

That’s because done right, it produces phenomenal results. In fact, the ROI for email marketing can be as high as 4400%. That’s $44 for every dollar spent on an email marketing campaign (Campaign Monitor).”

Now that is an impressive ROI. Do you see the potential of email marketing now? Take a look at other content mediums you’re utilizing. When you create a blog or a video, people may see it. When you create content for social media, people may see it. When you build an email list of your target audience that will gain value from your products or service (and content!), your emails land in their inboxes. Sure, not everyone opens them, but many do. You can be sure to build a significant revenue stream from email marketing. 

So let’s start from the beginning. 

What is Email Marketing?

“The use of email within your marketing efforts to promote a business’s products and services, as well as incentivize customer loyalty. Email marketing is a form of marketing that can make the customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other services. It can also be a softer sell to educate your audience on the value of your brand or keep them engaged between purchases. It can also be anything in between. Mailchimp can help you design, build, and optimize your email marketing to get the best ROI in your marketing program.” (Mailchimp)

Basically, email marketing is an email that is not an order confirmation nor direct response, in some form at least. Email marketing may look like a newsletter with company updates, industry insights, a sale or promotion, offers and exclusive deals for subscribers, and more. 

What is an email list?

It’s a magical tool that helps you grow your business! On a more serious note, it’s a list of emails that your business has created from website visitors, networking events, membership organizations, and other means that are interested in receiving information, updates, discounts, and other details about your business. 

What is email list building? 

These points may sound self-explanatory but that makes them easy to overlook, and it is important to remember these. Email marketing is a powerful tool to connect with customers, prospects, and your audience. To take advantage of this tool, you need to work on building your email list. 

There are many ways to build an email list but the most popular is an opt-in form. Offer something of value through a call to action to improve performance. 

Mix up your messages

One of the primary benefits of email marketing is building rapport and developing relationships with returning and potential customers. Simply emailing out sales emails asking them to buy all of the time fails to build rapport with your audience. Create content that brings value to those interested. Some ideas may be different ways to use your product or service, industry insights, and more. 

Be Consistent

Content may be kind by consistency is key. Create a schedule and follow it. If you send out a weekly email, send it out on the same day and time every week. This lets your audience know what to expect from you and when. 

Optimize for mobile

  • Mobile opens accounted for 46 percent of all email opens. (, 2018)
  • 35% of business professionals check email on a mobile device. (Convince & Convert, 2018)
  • Apple iPhone is the most popular mobile client for reading emails with 29 percent of all opens occurring on this platform. Gmail is a close runner-up at 27 percent (Campaign Monitor, 2018)

As you can see from the stats above, many of our emails are being opened on mobile devices. If someone opens your email on a mobile device and they can’t easily read it, do you think your email will be effective for them? It’s prudent of us to optimize emails for mobile so they are viewable by everyone. 

Tips for email design

Email is far from dead and when used correctly, extremely profitable. Before we close on this article, we’ll leave you with a few tips for email design. 

  • Keep subject lines catchy, short, and to the point. Mobile devices do not show as many characters as desktops. We’ve discussed the need to optimize for mobile above and if you do not consider mobile for subject length, your subject line may be cut short and not show what the email is even in reference to. 
  • Keep your messaging concise and show it at the top of the email. As your audience needs to scroll to see content lower in your email, the likelihood the lower content will be seen becomes less and less. 
  • Keep your Call-to-actions (CTAs) front and center. With as busy as our lives have become, our attention spans have suffered. Make sure your CTAs are early in your emails, easily seen, and clearly stated. 

We wish you all the best on your email marketing adventure. We’re here to help so please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can reach Kelvin at 

Until next time, keep smiling.