If you’ve been keeping up with us, we recently talked about the little things and how important they are. Our ability to let the joy in from the little things truly has a profound effect on our happiness. I have been feeling that more than ever as of late.

Life has a tendency of being a challenge. The phrase of “kicking you while your down” is coming to mind. I’m always talking with friends and family and many are experiencing this; when one thing becomes a challenge, many things tend to become a challenge. I have a thought on this that just came to me while writing this.

Are you familiar with the law of attraction? That which we focus on, whatever we give our energy to, we attract to us. When something becomes a challenge to us, we tend to focus on it and direct our energy into it. If we’re viewing it as a challenge (challenge may be a positive word compared to how we’re truly viewing it), we then attract more of those “challenges” to us. When on hard times, we focus on those hard times and in doing so, attract more of that to us. Once we overcome a hard time or challenge, we focus on our success and draw more success our way.

What do you think?

I texted my beautiful wife the other day and I’ll quote that text to you here: “You know, we put such need on big events to fulfill our happiness that we forget about the joy that’s inherent in all the moments of our lives. I have a gorgeous wife, beautiful family and love from our fur babies. I’m truly blessed.” In full disclosure, I had a few typos in there but figured I didn’t need to share those typos!

When I say “we,” I do not simply mean my wife and I, I am referring to all humanity. We often but such demand on big events and changes (promotions, moving somewhere new, winning anything, and more) that we tend to dismiss or not even think about all the joy around us, in everyone and everything we surround ourselves with. I guarantee you that if you look for it, you will find joy around you at some point in your day. It may be you family, friends, pet, home, sunshine, smile, a friendly hello from a stranger or anything! There is so much joy around you, don’t let the lack of “something big” diminish your experience of it.

I have no clue why and I am about to butcher this quote (I don’t want to take a minute to look it up, I am simply pulling from memory) but Tony Robbins is strict when it comes to his morning routine. When it comes to his morning routine, he says something along the lines that “if you don’t have ten minutes in your day, then you’re not living.”

On that note, the joy inherent in all that is around us, and within us truly is powerful and profound. This weekend we did absolutely nothing on Saturday and it was glorious. Kalen and I ran around the front yard for a little bit and we kept it low key. One Sunday the older kids and I went out to the park and had a blast. They had so much fun climbing the rock walls, going down the slides, spinning around and running around with the other kids. We then went to our favorite coffee shop and played games while they had some fun with a friend.

We didn’t do anything that anyone would consider “big” but there was so much fun, joy and happiness in all that we did, or didn’t do for that matter.

That’s it guys, there’s the secret; at least a secret. There is so much joy and happiness inherent in everything around us. It right there for you to take in, to be a part of. It’s there to help fill your happiness, for your to feel joy. Do you want to be happy? If so, let it in. Say hello to a stranger, get out and see the sunrise, meet up with a friend, say yes more. Get out there and do it guys, the world is counting on you!

Please, let me know your thoughts; how do you let the little things in? What are you struggling with? How do you think we may create a better tomorrow? I’m here for you just as I’m sure your there for me. Let’s have a conversation.

It’s a beautiful day to have a beautiful day. Keep Smiling.