I have been feeling a resonating message a lot as of late. That message is simple and yet challenging beyond words at times. The message is “be you.” Two simple words with an impact beyond measure when implemented properly.

Let’s jump back in time a little. I’m going to tell you an extremely abbreviated story of myself. In 2001, I was in a car crash. Luckily, only I was involved in the crash itself. Fortunately, many people were involved in my recovery. Without going into the details of the crash in this release, let’s just say it was bad.

Against all odds, I made it through. Mind blowing to me is that all of the breaks occurred in the right places. Right places referring to the fact that I still have full use of my body and don’t notice any limitations. That’s not to say that my range may not be wider if I didn’t have the breaks, who knows (I assume a sports doctor or physical therapist would know but my mind isn’t knowledgeable in those areas)?

Through my recovery and afterwards, I often heard I was saved for a reason, I have a purpose. My greatest fear became never figuring out what that purpose is. I kept thinking the path of my purpose would open up to me eventually and that I would know it when it did. I felt that no matter what I was going through, once I found the path to my purpose, everything in and around my life would be amazing. I feared not finding that path and feeling as though I was always missing a piece of myself.

My accident occurred when I was 16 years old. I am now in my mid 30’s. I spent much of the time from my accident until now fearing that I may never find my purpose; that I may never know why I was saved. I won’t lie, I still struggle with it at times. I have been fortunate in feeling this message from all sides recently (be you).

I discovered the Aubrey Marcus podcast about a year ago and have listened to the majority of the episodes that have come out since then. In encourage you to check out the Aubrey Marcus podcast here. Aubrey Marcus was recently in a severe car crash as well and went through the recovery process. I decided that I would reach out to him on Instagram. I sent him a message thanking him for sharing everything that he does. I mentioned that we have some similarities in that we were both involved in severe solo car crashes. I then told him about my biggest fear and that I have allowed that fear to guide me from time to time. I am sure that Aubrey Marcus gets a lot of messages, but selflessly he took the time to respond to me; he said “That reason is more simple thank you think… just be You. That’s all any of us can do anyway.”

That’s the first time I truly noticed the message before, and it was mind blowing. Honestly, it felt as if 1000 lbs had been lifted from my shoulders. A few weeks later, I met a Peak Performance Strategist with Tony Robbins randomly (is anything random?) at a networking event. We got into a deep conversation which came down to being yourself. He was wearing a bracelet that simply said, “be you.”

It may not have been the first time the message of “Be You” was presented to me but it was the first time I was prepared to accept the message.

I’ve made some great friends recently and whom are also hearing this same message. We’ve been discussing it and doing some deep diving into ourselves through our dialogues. I am excited for our upcoming dialogues.

Perhaps all this is simply the path opening up before me. Perhaps I’ve always been on this path and just haven’t known it. I’m excited to keep moving forward.

Keep Smiling,
