Fall is a great time for content marketing

As summer comes to a close (Yesterday officially) and the leaves fall, covering the ground, it is time to start thinking about fall content for your various channels. 

As a kid, my favorite season was summer. It was hot, the days we long, and we could play outside with our friends all day long. Summer was the best! As I grew older, my favorite time of year began to shift to fall, as did many of my friends and connections. The weather was warm and not humid. The days are still long (albeit, is there ever enough time in the day?) and beautiful. The changing of the leaves is gorgeous. Perhaps that is what draws me to it, change. 

Whether you love fall or it is not your favorite, there is no denying that people talk a lot about fall. We all can come together throughout fall and enjoy many fun and grateful holidays. How do you adjust your content for fall?

Audit the season

Audit the season? How does one achieve that? All we mean by this is to take a deep dive into fall so you may plan out your content accordingly. What content opportunities are there? What themes may you take inspiration from? What types of imagery are you going to use? What color palettes will work best for your brand in the fall? 


As we tend to plan quarterly, fall takes you to the end of the year. This fact brings Christmas and New Year into play. I don’t know about you, but Christmas is my favorite time of the year (time, not season). Depending on your industry, this could be huge for you. Many industries see a large uptick in business over Christmas. If your brand is a gym, in the fitness & Wellness industry, think of all the New Year resolutions bringing business your way. Being in retail, Black Friday may be the single most important day of the year for your business, driving a huge spike in revenue. You want to get the word out early about your business, stay consistent with your messaging while expanding your reach. 

Obviously, it’s not just about Christmas, New Year, and the biggest shopping day of the year! You have other aspects to consider in your planning. You have big holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day, and those we mentioned above, which bring their own aspects and themes into play. Then you have other holidays to consider like Columbus Day, Native American Day, and Indigenous People’s Day, which may play a role in your content. And we have fun days such as International Coffee Day and World Pasta Day that may always play a part; I don’t know about you, but I run on coffee! 


With fall comes many different themes that may spark inspiration for content creation. Here are some things to consider. 

Fall isn’t just about orange, yellows, reds, and browns. Think of the different times in fall and Q4 and how that may reflect in your content. 

If you’re an active brand (fitness, sportswear, outdoors, etc.), your audience may engage with posts themed around sports; the NFL, NBA, and NHL all start-up in the fall. How may you use that with the content you are creating? 

Halloween is a fun holiday, where we can mask up, get into costume, pass out candy, and gather with friends. Thanksgiving is all about being grateful and breaking bread with others. Christmas is a time of giving. New Year is a time for a fresh restart and chasing your dreams. How can those themes play into the content you create? 

It is important to remember that while these themes present a great opportunity to create engaging content, you have to be sure to create content that aligns with your brand and message. Do not just put out content that doesn’t align with your brand for the sake of posting something. 

Happy <insert holiday name> posts are great as they are quick, simple, and show that your brand is engaged with and cares about the world around it. 

More to come

Typically, we share a new article and newsletter every other week. A lot is going on currently, and fall is upon us. In honor of the fall, we will be sharing a new article next Thursday on “Fall Content Ideas for Small Businesses.”

In the meantime, we want. To hear from you! How does your brand work with fall content? How do you plan for it? Do you enjoy it? 

Until next time, keep smiling.