I’m in a good mood but I am feeling a little down today. Honestly, I have no clue as to why? Truthfully, it’s something that I struggle with from time to time with no real reason. I may be having a challenging day but be in a great mood or I may be having a great day but feel slightly down. It makes no sense to me but nonetheless, it’s there.

I opened Pinterest today and the first pin I saw was “How to get out of a funk.” Fitting, right? The universe is rather impressive. It got me thinking and I’ll take you down the process:

  • I feel off, but why?
  • Off is a descriptor, but what am I truly feeling?
  • If my feeling could talk, what would it say?
  • Is this feeling teaching me anything?
  • What do I need right now?
  • What little step may I take right now to help meet my need?

That’s the process I went down and to show you an example, here are my responses this morning:

  • I’m not sure why I am feeling off. Money is tight but not that tight. I am looking to sell my 76 MG Midget, but I need to keep it insured to keep the plate to make it easier to sell which is an added expense but it’s really not much of an expense at all. The kids were great this morning! I could go for some Kountry Kitchen (My hometown greasy spoon and I miss it!).
  • What I am truly feeling is unmotivated. I may be feeling unmotivated for lack of a clear external purpose. I have many purposes but sometimes it gets a little fuzzy. We can break this down further, but we’ll keep it shallow at this time.
  • Do something! Anything. Just do and create.
  • It’s teaching me that at times I will feel resistance (lack of motivation being my current resistance) and that’s ok. The key is to push through it. To create.
  • Right now, I need to write.
  • I’m doing it by writing this! Thank you for helping me push through my resistance and for being my outlet.

I can sugar coat it and make it sound like this is an easy process but then I wouldn’t be authentic or raw. It’s not easy. There are times when you (I) won’t be able to push through the resistance and that’s ok. There’s greatness on the other side, that is what that feeling of resistance is letting you know. Keep that in mind and one day, you’ll push through that resistance, whatever it may be.

Again, being honest, I already feel much better, just from writing this little bit. There is a lot of content out there on happiness being a choice and I agree, to an extent. Choosing happiness is the first step but it’s not that simple; for me at least. After the choice, it takes work. A conscious effort on your part to choose happiness and to do what makes you happy.

Do it. Choose happiness and put in the work, it’s worth it! Be an influence, an inspiration to others, helping them choose happiness by seeing your happiness. When we’re happy, we’re inspired and motivated (I know that may be a generalization, but this is one I’ll happily make). In that mindset, we can create a better tomorrow.

Are you with me? Anybody? Reach out and let me know. Help keep me inspired as well.

When you’re feeling “off” what are some ways you overcome it? When you’re facing resistance, how do you push through? How do you choose happiness?

Keep smiling,

P.S. I also renewed the insurance of my MG. Here’s to selling my beautiful MG.