Hey Pack! We got a bit personal and deep in the last post and we’re going to continue from there.

I have been contemplating on attitude a lot as of late. There is a quote that really sticks with me; “Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.” Author unknown.

In our last article, I discussed a car accident when I was 16 years old. Thank you to the heroic actions of two incredible individuals, Scott Garing Sr. and Scott Garing Jr, I am alive today. I did not discuss much of what came next.

I was kept in a drug induced state for the next few weeks and remember none of it. My family and friends made a list of some of the incredibly ridiculous and wild things I said while in said state. I don’t have the list with me today but will have to find it the next time I am at my parents house.

I won’t go through my injuries and honestly, I don’t even remember them all. I do recall that as I was starting to come out of the drug induced state, I wasn’t sure where I was and decided to walk around the room. I was hobbling around the room in a full leg brace on my left leg and a cast around my lower right leg when a nurse came running in, “What are you doing!” they yelled. Then they told me I wasn’t able to be up in my condition. They were happy to see me walking however as they weren’t sure I was going to be able to walk again.

The injuries were many. I was down to 118 pounds. I had a long road ahead of me.

I believe things happen for a reason and always tend to work out. We aren’t always sure of the reason or how it is going to work out, but the reason is there and it works out.

I truly mean it when I say I am happy this event happened to me and not to anyone else. I knew I would be fine, it would work out and that I would be running again one day.

My friend, family, and colleagues have often commented on my positivity. During my accident, hospital stay and healing process, I never lost my positivity. Albeit may not have been the type of adventure I was dreaming of, it certainly was not an ordeal. It brought people closer. Spending time with family, friends and new people that I was meeting everyday was absolutely magical.

I no longer took some things for granted that we tend to take for granted; mainly being able to bathe. I had a new found vigor for life. Not that I had lost any vigor for life. Lets say my experience enhanced that vigor.

I personally believe that positivity played a big factor in my healing process. It also helped me heal much faster than it could have taken.

Often, when we find ourselves in a difficult situation, or even a situation in which we don’t feel happy or satisfied, it can be challenging to remain positive. Challenge, That word is purposely placed there. A challenge in and of it self is an opportunity and great. If a situation appears daunting, simply adjusting you perspective to a challenge may make it easier to remain positive.

As I stated in the beginning, “Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.” Maintaining a positive attitude may turn any ordeal into an adventure. It may make any situation a much better experience.

What are some of your favorite way to remain positive?

As always, I’d love to hear from you.



And my LinkedIn profile.

Until we talk next, keep smiling.