Monday really get a bad rap. People say all kinds of things about Monday, things like: 

  • “Everybody has their favorite villain. Monday is mine.”
  • “If each day is a gift, I’d like to know where I can return Mondays.”
  • “Shortest horror story: Monday.”
  • “Monday again? Seriously though, I can’t keep doing this every week.”
  • “Monday? Ain’t nobody got time for that.”
  • “Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday. Sincerely, it’s not me, it’s you.”

Seriously though, I have to disagree. Monday’s are great! We just came off the weekend and are refreshed to start the week. How many of us are dragging  come Tuesday and Wednesday? Even on Thursday and Friday some weeks! I know we’re coming off the weekend but that’s part of what makes Mondays great! 

We’re going to be releasing the newest MackWP blog article every Monday, yet another reason Mondays are great! We like to start the day and week off on the right foot and running. I often tell a friend, “start every day like you meant to.’ Let that marinate and set in for a moment. 

If you have any questions on our articles or for us, topic suggestions, or simply something you’d like to know more about, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know.

On that note, the real topic of this article, Email Marketing. We’ll cover a few things here: What is email marketing? Why should your business utilize email marketing? We’ll even throw a few good tips out there for you (we’re not getting into all the secrets just yet!). 

What is email marketing? defines email marketing as: “Email marketing is the practice of sending various types of content to a list of subscribers via email. This content can serve to generate website traffic, leads, or even product signups. It’s important that an email campaign’s recipients have opted in to receive this content, and that each newsletter offers something valuable.”

Great, but what does that really mean and what is an email campaign? Email marketing is an extremely powerful tool for you and your business! Utilizing your email lists, you can get information out to your clients and prospects, establishing yourself as a thought leader. You can stay in touch with your audience, letting them know about a new product or sale. The options go on! In regards to an email campaign, don’t let the word “campaign” intimidate you. An email campaign is simply a sequence of marketing efforts through email. There are many different types of email campaigns which we’ll get into in a subsequent post. 

Why should your business utilize email marketing? There are many reasons but I would say the strongest one is that consumers prefer email. Think of yourself in this instance. I know most of our inboxes are overflowing, but when a company gets it right and their email catches your eye, do you enjoy receiving promotional emails from companies you’re doing business with? Staying in the know with a company on what they’re working on? Upcoming events and items? Absolutely! In addition, we (people) tend to tell others about companies that get their email marketing right. 

Email marketing is a leads generator, helping you effectively gain new customers. It allows us to communicate with and engage hundreds, even thousands of customers and prospects quickly and effectively. Using the right content, we can nurture their curiosity, turning it into real interest in our products, services, and brand. 

Being affordable, it’s at a price point your business can’t pass up! Especially when trying to build your audience/customer base. Email marketing is one of the cheapest forms of marketing, of reaching out to your audience and prospects. It also provides one of the best results for businesses of any size. 

Now for a few tips (which are just the tip of the iceberg! See what I did there?). Plan drip campaigns by setting up a series of automated emails to go out to particular email lists or new subscribers. As a new subscriber, it’s an introduction to your brand and it gets them used to the frequency of your emails. 

Consistency is key! You don’t want to inundate your audience with emails, having a negative impact that may cause them to simply delete your emails or unsubscribe. You also need to email them frequently enough to stay relevant and top of mind to them. If you say you’re going to have a newsletter every Wednesday, make sure you get your newsletter out every Wednesday. It’s a fine line but stay conscious of the results your finding and you can find your sweet spot.

Don’t make your content too lengthy, boring them and causing them not fully read your content. Keep the content short and sweet while relevant to your audience, keeping them interested, possibly even looking forward to your emails. 

Email marketing is a powerful, cost effective way to reach your audience, build a relationship with them and generate leads. If you’re not investing in it, you should. If you’re not getting the results you would like, your should be putting more focus and effort there. There will be much more to come on email marketing.

Just a heads up, Mondays are great but they also tend to be our busiest days as we’re getting back up to speed, catching up on work from the weekend, meetings and more! We decided to try something new here which may change in the future depending on results. Also, none of our clients release articles on Monday so it lines up well! 

Until next time, keep smiling.