While you may not think it, and results may take a little longer than you’re expecting, social media is extremely powerful for small businesses. As a small business owner, you may think content for social media is easy. The truth is, social media marketing requires both strategy and creativity; it can be more challenging than you expect to create unique content daily. 

We don’t believe most small businesses question the power of social media marketing, after all, 97% of all marketers are using social media to promote their business. It can be a challenge to get started, however. You may not see the benefits, so let’s jump into them and paint the picture of the potential for you.

Create and grow your brand awareness

What is brand awareness? In simplest terms, it is how familiar and aware consumers are of your brand. Do they know the brand? The logo? What you stand for? What your products are? Or are they not even aware of your brand and business? If people don’t know about you, they can’t buy from you. 

Social media affords all businesses an easy and effective means to grow their brand recognition. In this realm, social media performs above traditional media as it can get your brand in front of people quickly and easily. Build your audience by publishing quality content regularly and consistently. Increase the reach of your posts through targeted hashtags. 

-Use Visual Content to increase brand awareness

With so much content out there, you need the ability to capture people’s attention for them to take a look at your content. Visual content is more engaging for the average person on social media and more effective than text at capturing their attention. Use eye-catching visuals to reel people into your content, letting them drill deeper into the message. 

-Create a conversation around your brand

Using your social media strategy to create and publish great content will generate a conversation about your brand, products, and more. What is more powerful than word of mouth? 

-Use social listening to gain a better understanding of your audience

Social listening is monitoring particular topics to see what others are talking about when it comes to the said topic(s). This helps you gain a better understanding of your audience, and create content that is best suited and engaging for them.

-Tell your brands story

We all want to tell our brand’s story; how we got started, how we got to where we are, our brand’s mission, and more. It can be hard to get this out to your audience. Social media makes this much easier while increasing the reach of your story. Effective stories can have a huge impact on your brand and its image while creating conversation around your brand. 

-Provide exceptional customer service

Anytime a customer has an issue with your product, they reach out to you, and they may do so via social media. Be sure to provide exceptional customer service, addressing any issues they may have, keeping them happy and even more loyal to your brands. Remember that if this is happening in a post or the comments, others can see this as well. A positive interaction with the customer will have a positive impact on others that see it. Yet, a negative interaction can spread negativity around your brand as well. 

Increase your traffic through social media

If you have a blog attached to your website, write great articles with content of value for your audience (you should already be doing this!). After you publish the blog, share it on social media. Your audience will see it, and some will visit your website to see the blog. Once on your website, they may look at everything your website has to offer; products, brand story, and more. Sharing your blog may also help with link building. When you create great content and others share it, someone that sees it may write similar content and link it back to your content. 

Establish yourself as an industry authority

When you create quality content that brings value to your audience, you build your authority level. You may do this through a variety of ways: be it industry insights, trends, how-to posts, and more. When you are an industry authority, people come to you for information, keeping your brand top of mind which is a very good thing! 


As business owners, we think social media marketing has to be a simple task. Then, once we begin our social media journey, we learn that there is a lot more to it than we expected; from strategy, when to post, what to post, how to tag, visuals, and more. You may struggle with things like trying to come up with content to post to not getting the results we expect (it takes time, especially organic growth). Yet social media is incredibly powerful when it comes to marketing our businesses, and we would argue, and an absolute must. Don’t give up or shy away, stay the course and you’ll get the results you’re looking for. 

These are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of social media marketing. What other benefits are you enjoying? 

As always, please reach out to us here at MackWP Marketing with any questions you may have; we’re here for you! 

Until next time, keep smiling.