This infographic was created by our intern, Kennedy Herrig. You may view her portfolio here:

Let’s face it, we all desire to stand out from our competition, but how do we actually do that? This is where content marketing comes into play. Content Marketing not only helps you be seen by your current audience, but it also helps to build your audience, increasing your brand’s reach. Consistently creating content that is valuable to your growing audience creates an inbound leads funnel. 

It is not as easy as it sounds, but putting the work in will create an unparalleled return on investment (ROI) for you. 

So why jump into content marketing, besides helping to set yourself apart of course. The reasons are just about limitless, and while we will not cover all of them here, we will cover some of the reasons you should invest in content marketing. 

Inbound Lead Growth

Remember above when we mentioned that content marketing creates an inbound lead funnel (we hope so as it only 100 words above!)? It almost goes without saying, when you consistently create valuable content, people are going to come to you. In fact, small businesses with blogs get 126% more lead growth than businesses without a blog. Most of us do not just simply have leads coming in. How much could it improve your business if you had a flow of inbound leads? 

Become an Industry Influencer

Being an expert or influencer in your industry is a position you want to be in. Being an industry influencer brings people to you for credible and valued content. 65% of B2B content consumers strongly agree they have higher preferences for credible content from industry influencers (Demand Gen Report). Also, 71% of a B2B respondent pool stated they reviewed a blog while on their buying journey (Demand Gen Report). Using content marketing, you can bring individuals to you, keeping your brand top of mind during their buying process. 

Higher Conversion Rates

Conversion rates for content marketing are nearly 6 times higher than those that do not adopt content marketing. Aberdeen Group conducts independent fact-based industry research. They conducted a study that found that when a company’s primary focus is on content marketing, their conversion rate increased by more than 5 times that of a company that didn’t focus on content marketing. However, they also found that you need the right content, content that aligns with your brand, and messaging. 

Improved Search Rankings

When you are looking for a business, what do you do? Chances are, you Google it. Say you’re looking for a locksmith, you may Google “Locksmith near me.” When someone searches for a business like yours and you do not show on the first page of search results, how do you think that impacts the likelihood that you will gain new business? The outlook is grim, my friend. 

There is a lot that goes into content and SEO, we are only going to talk about one aspect of it here. Businesses that utilize a blog have 434% more pages indexed by search engines than businesses that don’t (HubSpot). What does this mean? It means that you will increase your likelihood of ranking on page one in organic search results by 434% when you start using a business blog. 

If No One Knows About You…

If no one knows about you, your business, your product or service, then no one can buy it. That does not translate well to a successful business. Content is how you grow your brand awareness, your reach, your business. Content has many forms, whether it’s a blog, newsletter, white paper, or even as short as a tweet, content gets your brand and business message out to the masses. It’s how you get potential customers to become aware of you, coming back for more content, and ultimately, becoming a customer. 

We want to hear from you!

What content works best for you? Why do you invest in content marketing? If you haven’t invested in content marketing yet, what is holding you back?

Until next time, keep smiling.