This post is a tough one, yet extremely easy for me to create. It is very personal and something I don’t talk about often. However, I have been discussing gratitude a lot as of late, and gratitude really hits home here.

This will not be posted on March 21st though I am creating it on March 21st.

March 21st is a day that I am extremely grateful for. 15 years ago while on their way to High School, a young man as involved in an auto accident. Though it is not entirely clear what happened, I can tell you that the young man went off the road and through some trees. This young man was ejected through the T-tops in the car and the car landed on his head, dragging him through a driveway  before the car rolled off him.

Call it a miracle, divine intervention, or whatever you wish, luck was on this young mans side. The drive way he lay in belonged to an incredible family. The father worked with Life Flight and the son was an EMT at the time. Remarkably, the incredibly busy father and son duo were both home and rushed to the aid of this young man. They were able to stabilize him for the flight to the hospital and above all odds, keep this young man alive.

This young man is alive today, 15 years later, thanks to the heroic acts of this father son duo. This young man now is happily married, has a daughter, and is expecting a son soon. He has a remarkable life that would have been extinguished if it were not for this father and son who saved his life.

If it were not clear enough, this young man is myself, Kelvin J. Mack. The father and son is Scott Garing Sr and Scott Garing Jr. I am infinitely grateful for these two and their remarkable families that have always been so generous towards myself.

I wish that we communicated more often but things can get away from us without us even realizing it. The incredible life that I live every day is all thanks to these two; for without their heroics and selfless acts, I would not be with you all today.

It is important for all of us to look at not just the pivotal moments (as described above), but also the minor moments that we may not even notice, and be grateful for the individual that they have helped us become.

As I have progressed through life, I’ll be the first to admit that I have made so many blunders. We can’t dwell on those. I have always strived to be positive, optimistic and happy. I fall short at times. Gratitude is an incredible tool that we all possess! Being grateful for everything in our lives that have helped shape us is powerful and I’ll even stretch to say essential in being truly happy.

As you strive reach your dreams, look back at the big, small and forgotten parts of your life that have helped mold you into the person that you are today. Be grateful for those parts. Even the parts that may appear negative at first thought; those parts have helped shape you into the brilliant and beautiful person you are today.

I would love to talk with you. Please, reach out to me. You can reach me at:


And my LinkedIn profile.

Until we talk next, keep smiling.