Hey Pack! What a terrific Tuesday it is which will be followed with a wonderful Wednesday. For those of you who follow me, you know I am a bit of a positive person. For those of you who don’t follow me, please do (hyperlinks will be below)!

I have an incessant thirst to learn, grow and develop. It is important for us to continue learning and growing to become the person that we truly want to be (often this may even help us discover who we want to be).

This also applies to our professional lives.

Say your goal is to be an Executive. When you start out your career you decide you already know everything there is to know and deserve that Executive role. As the days go by, you only do the minimum you need to do for your role. You don’t learn any new skills, traits or knowledge to help you grow into an executive (learning is key here; I am not saying you need to live at work and put 100+ hours in each week). How far do you really think you are going to progress?

Let’s say you want to be a blogger but you are unwilling to learn anything new about blogging; will you build an audience? You may be a very entertaining person and you may build a bit of an audience, but will that audience reach it’s potential?

To stay on the forefront of your field, niche, or industry you need to continue to develop. There are many ways to develop. You may need a certificate or degree to pursue your dreams and if that it the case, you will need to complete formal coursework and/or the requirements for that degree. You may attend conferences with experts, industry leaders, up-and-coming products and companies. You may pursue teaching yourself through online resources or other means. Never stop gaining knowledge.

Personally, I take things that interest me and I pursue learning about those. I also like to be juggling many things at once so I tend to be learnings many things about various topics all around the same time. The key here is that I am learning, growing, and developing.

How are you trying to develop? What works best for you when learning something new or learning more about a particular topic? Do you find that it is alright to not develop professionally or personally?

You may find me on Twitter, @MackWP

I am also on LinkedIn.

And Pinterest.

I am excited to hear from you!

Until next time, keep smiling.