This infographic was created by our intern, Kennedy Herrig. You may view her portfolio here:

We’ve been asked before, why should my market have a presence on social media? Oh, my friend, for so many reasons! 2020 has been an extremely challenging year for all of us. With the challenges has come change. A lot more is being done online. We have seen several businesses gain new business during these times simply because they have a presence on social media. 

We also know many businesses that see the importance of having a consistent presence on Social Media that haven’t taken the dive in quite yet. As such, they have not been bringing on new business during these times. 

We can’t emphasize this enough, do not cut your marketing during a downturn!

“Companies tend to cut marketing in a recession. But firms that maintain their marketing spend while reallocating it to suit the context – be it in product developing, advertising and communication, or pricing – typically fare better than firms that cut their marketing investment.” (Harvard Business Review

Let’s get into why your business should be on social media!

Increase your brand reach and awareness 

It’s beneficial for potential clients to be aware of your brand. For your clients to purchase your product or service, they need to know that your brand exists. Thus, brand awareness helps to grow your conversions. The more people are aware of your business and engage with it, the more potential clients you will reach. 

Increase website traffic

Consistently producing quality content on social and linking your website to your social will grow your website traffic exponentially. 

Connect with your audience and provide exceptional customer service

Through social listening, you will gain an understanding of what the identity of your audience is, what is important to them, and what their struggles are. Having a good understanding of your audience helps you create content that truly connects with them. 

Have you ever reached out to a brand through social when you have experienced an issue? Often, it can be challenging to connect with them on phone or email, and in my experience, when I reach. Out on social, I get quick responses. On the flip side of that, as a business, if anyone is reaching out to you for customer service support through social, quickly addressing it and engaging with them helps to provide exceptional customer support. Through exceptional customer support, you are more likely to keep a customer and build brand loyalty as well as gaining new customers through them seeing you truly care. 

Establish your brand and a thought leader in your industry

We’ve been discussing this point a lot as of late. Bring a thought leader or authority in your industry is incredibly powerful. As a thought leader, people will look to you for all of the latest industry news and insights. They will come to you when they need help or are looking to learn something. This creates a pool of inbound leads. 

Promote your product or service

There is a fine line here. You do not want to be too “salesy” on social media and in the content you create. A good guideline to follow is the 80/20 rule; 80 percent valuable content for your audience, 20 percent promotion of products or service I’d say go even less on the promotion side. Creating valuable content related to your industry will bring people to you which will promote your business without you actually having to promote it. 

Keep your customers up-to-date

We do this all the time on a personal level. We keep our friends and family up-to-date with what’s going on in our lives, what we like, checking-in to the latest cafe or gym. Now think of this one on a business level. It is incredibly easy to keep your customers up-to-date with what’s going on in your business, new product or services, announcements, and more! This also helps you stay more connected with your customers. 

Only the tip of the iceberg

We’ve only scratched the surface here, only seeing the tip of the iceberg. As with the vast majority of an iceberg being under the surface, there is much more information on social media marketing, having a presence on social, and why you should market your business on social media. We’ll cover much more as we move forward. 

We want to hear from you! Why do you promote your business on social media? Why do you have a presence on social media? If by chance you are not on social media, why aren’t you? What’s holding you back? 

Again, we can’t emphasize this enough. History shows that thought who invest in marketing during a downturn or recession, come out on the other side much stronger. 

Until next time, keep smiling.